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~ Infrared photography is a technology as much as it is an art. ~
Infrared requires a completely different skillset than traditional photography both during and after the shoot. Included here is a brief list of books and literature to inform anyone interested in engaging in this form of art.
ShadesOfVanity.com - InfraRed B&W Nude.


Infrared photography has always been reguarded as an exotic artform in the photography world. If you would like to find out more about the process, please visit www.Amazon.com to review their selection of Infrared Photography Books. You will find a lot of useful information on the subject. Below are links to www.Amazon.com detailed product pages on books and equipment I recommend.

Complete Guide to Digital Infrared Photography (A Lark Photography Book) ~ I used this guide in my transition from InfraRed film to digital.
Infrared Photography Handbook ~ Part of my reference collection.
Advanced Infrared Photography Handbook ~ Also instrumental in instructing the uninitiated InfraRed photographer.
Fire and Civilization ~ An excellent naturalist’s point-of-view on human evolution.
The Others: How Animals Made Us Human ~ Awakened me to an alternate way of viewing our environment.
The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World ~ Words of wisdom by an ex-Greenpeace director.
Cool It ; The Skeptical Environmentalist’s Guide to Global Warming ~ The science is NOT in.
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature ~ Must read for every product designer and industrial engineer.
Florida, My Eden (Stresau Landscape Design Series) ~ Ah, the title that has inspired all Florida naturalists.
Shades of Vanity: ~ Shades & Shadows of Eroticism


Digital SLR Cameras (www.Amazon.com) ~ I am personally a Canon photographer. I prefer their products, but understand why someone would go to Nikon. The right camera body is key to your photography. Life is too short to be captured by cheap imaging equipment. If photography is your chosen method of self-expression, then Digital SLR cameras are the perfect bridge from real life to the computer screen, and so on.

Digital SLR Lenses (www.Amazon.com) ~ The right lens for the right job, is like the right tool for the job. Don’t expect professional results with less than professional equipment.

SHOP for fine art, the various Infrared photography books, and fashion items designed by A.E. Samaan. In this shop you can find items expanding on the themes of projects such as Shades Of Vanity, Somatic Canvas, Unyielding Vastness, and other creative photography series by A.E. Samaan.